Keykubad Trail District Information: A Journey Through the Layers of Time

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Keykubad Trail District Information: A Journey Through the Layers of Time
SEYDİŞEHİR (Vervelit - Trogitis - Gurgurum - Medine-i Sani – Elita):
At the foothills of the Western Taurus Mountains, adorned with the blue secrets of Lake Suğla, Seydişehir is a cultural mosaic where some of Anatolia’s most ancient civilizations intersect. These lands are filled with whispers from the depths of history: from the traces of the Paleolithic era to the grandeur of Rome, from the resistance of nomadic tribes to the stories of ancient roads…
The Language of Stones: Prehistoric Secrets
Around Lake Suğla, caves that witnessed humanity’s first steps lie hidden. The stylized goat and bird paintings in Kürtün Cave carry the spirit of artists from thousands of years ago. The flint tools found in Suberde are traces of the lives of Neolithic hunter-gatherers. It’s as if every stone still holds the breath of those who once lived here…
From the Hittites to Luwia: The Legacy of Gods and Kings
In the 2nd millennium BC, the Hittites named these lands Tarhuntaşşa; a civilization rose under the shadow of the storm god Tarhunt. The traces of the Luwian people are still felt in the peaks of the Taurus Mountains. Then came the Phrygians; the pottery found in Seydişehir II Mound recalls the splendor of Gordion. These lands, shaken by Cimmerian invasions, hosted the trade routes of the Lydians and the warhorses of the Persians.
In the Footsteps of Rome: The Echoes of Via Sebaste
When Rome conquered this strategic geography, it built the Via Sebaste road. These stone pavements, trodden by St. Paul during his missionary journey, connected the ancient cities of Amblada and Vasada. The Homonads by Lake Suğla wrote an epic of resistance against Rome: defeating Galatian King Amyntas, they entered history as the "rebellious children of the mountains." As Strabo noted, the sad story of this people, "destroyed by hunger," still echoes in the winds of the Taurus.
In the Shadow of Ancient Cities: From Amblada to Sedasa
Amblada, on the slopes of Asardağ, was the mysterious capital of Pisidia. The ruins of Vasada sleep silently at the foothills of Kestel Mountain. The columns, inscriptions, and mosaics from these cities may appear as ancient treasures in the Konya Archaeological Museum or in Seydişehir’s villages. Just like the traces of the lost temples of Sedasa (Akisse)…
The Spiritual Legacy of Seyyid Harun Veli: The Birth of a City
In the early 14th century, Seydişehir, inspired by a dervish from Khorasan, embroidered a new pattern into Anatolia’s spiritual fabric. Seyyid Harun Veli, hearing the command "Go to the land of Rum and establish a city at the foothills of Küpe Mountain," set out with forty dervishes and his brother. Guided by a cloud, they reached Anatolia and founded Seydişehir using the ruins of the ancient city of Vervelid. The city took shape around a complex of mosque, madrasa, bathhouse, and lodge.
Mübârizüddin Mehmed Bey, the ruler of the Eşrefoğlu Principality, initially skeptical, eventually supported the city’s construction after witnessing Seyyid Harun’s spiritual power. Today, his tomb (1320) in the Seyyid Harun Veli Complex and the three domed tombs north of the mosque attract visitors as both architectural and spiritual legacies. The epitaph "master of the poor" on his tomb reflects his understanding of social justice.
Seyyid Harun was not just a city founder; he was a teacher who showed how to make cheese from milk, a warrior who fought against non-Muslims, and a saint who healed with his prayers.
Lake Suğla: The Mirror of Civilizations
Known as Trogitis Lake throughout history, Suğla has been the heart of agriculture and trade since ancient times. The irrigation systems built by the Romans still testify to the land’s fertility. The sunset reflected in the lake’s waters evokes the dreams of the Homonads, Pisidians, and Lycaonians who once lived here.
Five Reasons to Explore Seydişehir
Touch History in Kürtün Cave: Trace the lines of Paleolithic artists (goat and bird paintings).
Walk the Via Sebaste: Follow in the footsteps of St. Paul.
Dream Among the Ruins of Amblada: Lose yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of ancient theaters.
Take a Boat Ride on Lake Suğla: Capture moments where history meets water.
Notice the Ancient Stones in Village Homes: Be amazed by the silent witness of Roman columns in modern times.
Feel the Spirituality at Seyyid Harun Complex: Immerse yourself in the 14th-century spiritual atmosphere.
Other Beauties and Cultural Riches
Turgutoğulları Legacy: The tombs of the Turgutoğulları, closely associated with Seyyid Harun, bear traces of Ottoman architecture.
Suberde Mound: Flint tools from the Neolithic era shed light on humanity’s pre-agricultural life.
Homonad Resistance: The epic struggle of the Homonads against Rome, immortalized in Strabo’s writings, still lives on.
Final Word: A Step in Time
Seydişehir is a time tunnel stretching from the language of stones to the breath of saints. A tile in Seyyid Harun Veli’s tomb, a milestone on the Via Sebaste, or a flint tool in Suberde… All whisper the same message: "These lands carry the shared story of humanity."
The Names of Seydişehir Through History
Throughout history, Seydişehir has been known by different names under various civilizations and cultures:
Vervelid (Vervelit): The region where Seydişehir is located was known as Vervelid (or Vervelit) in ancient times. Seyyid Harun Veli founded the city on these ancient ruins.
Trogitis: Lake Suğla was known as Lake Trogitis in antiquity, highlighting the region’s importance as an agricultural and trade center.
Gurgurum: During the Seljuk period, Seydişehir and its surroundings were called Gurgurum, a name that continued into the Ottoman era.
Seyyid Şehri: After Seyyid Harun Veli settled and founded the city, it became known as "Seyyid Şehri," which later evolved into "Seydişehir."
Medine-i Sani: In the Ottoman period, Seydişehir was also known as "Medine-i Sani" (The Second City Founded by Divine Command), emphasizing its spiritual significance.
Elite (Elita): Another ancient settlement near Seydişehir, Elite (Elita), reflects the region’s historical texture.